Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pitman Rod

I did re-assemble the treadle today.  It is pouring rain outside and the dogs and I are nestled in on the couch, so you will forgive me if I don't go out to the shop to take the pictures I should have taken earlier.  WHAT WAS I THINKING?

I did however, take a couple of pics of  the pitman rod.  I finally was able to get it back together.  It took me a while to get the holes lined up just right in the adjustment bracket.

Here are the pieces
Here is how they go in the rod. The screw is placed  in from the top and sets into a hole in the little wooden bracket.  The screw tightens the little half moon metal bracket, keeping the pitman in place on the pedal and on the wheel.

I was pretty terrified that I would break this wooden pitman.  Didn't.  I do have to adjust the cone bearings for the pedal. I thought that merely replacing the cone bearings as they were would suffice.  But the pedal will not treadle if I tighten the bearings to their original position.  I loosen the bearings and I cannot secure them in place because  the nuts will not free up.  The bearings and their nuts are in a PB Blaster bath.  On Wednesday I will assemble the whole thing.  Steve needs his shop back. 

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