A year ago I drove 77 miles one way to fetch a Singer LBOW. I had "won" it on eBay and I was so excited. I had really really wanted an LBOW. It came in a case with some attachments. I don't have a photo of it. How odd is that? Well it is on display in the museum. So clearly, I love it.
OK we all know I have way too many machines. BUT I cannot stop looking at Craigs List and just before we went to Boston I saw an add for a Singer 301 sewing machine. It was only 30 miles away. I called, after a few days. It came in a cabinet and I was not that excited to have another cabinet around. There was no return call so I figured it was gone. But after a week or so when the ad was still listed, I emailed. Still no reply. OK. fine. I have a million other things to do. I was not particularly bummed out. Not at all.
Then last Friday I received a reply to my email. So I called on Saturday.
"I'm running a yard sale , so I will be home all day."
"OK, great I guess I could come over now."
I called Betsy and told her that the machine was still available and that the seller was running a Yard Sale.
"Oh Dear." was all she said.
I picked her up on the way (she can't resist yard sales. I knew it and used that as bait) We drove the 30 miles over hill and dale and found the place. True it was a yard sale. But is was one of those on going yard sales. There was nothing there we wanted except the machine
"It doesn't have a power cord." V. told me when I had called.
"So , how do we know it runs?" I asked. Well duh,
"I was told it ran when I got it. Some how the power cord got lost."
"OK. I would still like to look at it." And I lugged a power cord along with me. No big deal. I had one extra.
It ran and it sounded very nice, actually. Ran like a rabbit truthfully. Just like my LBOW at home.
I paid her and brought it home. Cabinet, some attachments and extra bobbins and all. The cabinet has a knee controller. That is a very nice thing. I don't have a Singer Cabinet with a knee controller. I wanted one.
But honestly, I did not get the "OOOOHHHH LA LA" I used to get when I got a machine. This was an "Oh well, is local. I have to go look and if it isn't any good I don't HAVE to buy it."
But turns out I think it will be a good one.
1956 Singer 301A LBOW |
I miss that thrill, though. The hunt, the chase, the capture. The DEAL. It just didn't happen. Now, if I came across a 201-3 or a 201-1, ooooohhhhh lala. That would get me.