Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Centennial Featherweight

Featherweights are adorable machines, though, over priced.  I had a limit and went over it just a bit to win this Centennial 221.  The problem, I discovered today, is a missing part.  Featherweights and 301s are end loaders with vertical hooks and special bobbins and cases.  Often the bobbin case and bobbin is missing on these fine machines.  People steal them, apparently.  The auctioneers had taped over the ends of all five featherweights at the auction so I did not notice the missing position bracket on this machine when I inspected it.  I checked for the case and the bobbin, but I did not notice the missing position bracket.  Now I must search for either the position bracket or a new needle plate with the appropriate bottom assembly .  Dilemma.  I learned today that the parts for the 301 and the featherweight, while similar, are not interchangeable. 

When I told Steven that I bought a Featherweight, he said "Oh good, so now you can stop."  I just laughed. 

1 comment:

  1. Its sure beautiful though!
    Gwen, the vintage seamstress
