Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Off Topic

 The problem with blogging is that you get addicted.  I have anyway.  I feel obligated to post frequently and end up posting when I have nothing at all to say about sewing or machines.

This is one such post.  Likely I will return to my obsession.  I hope soon.  Check back from time to time to see if I have been able to get back to the business of sewing machine repair and use.  Until then a wonderful Holiday Season to all of you.


  1. It is your blog. You may post whatever you wish (well, within reason, of course. LOL). You must have made it safely home.

  2. you may be addicted to blogging, but i'm addicted to reading your blog. thanks for sharing!

  3. I just found your blog, having recently begun my own sewing machine obsession. The information and tutorials have really helped me! Thank you so much.
