Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Red Head

I wanted this machine in a big bad way.  I love the decals  and I wanted a treadle.  I found one on CL back in January 2011; that was early in my obsession.  Granted, I had to travel three hours (one way) to fetch it but Betsy and I were going that way anyway to fetch the Free Treadle.  Oh and to go to Osgoods.

I have decided to sell it.  I need the room.  I have another.  I actually have two others.  One I found on eBay as an electric conversion that came in a base.  The other,  also a treadle,  I found on CL and drove not as far, in the summer, and paid one third what I paid for this one.  When I bought "Rosie" the sellers asked me what I did with the machines.  I sincerely replied "I love them."

So I can't really sell THAT one.  It was her MOTHER's for Heaven's Sake and I just can't go back on my word.  I don't think that there was any emotion attached to this one.  True, the decals are better on this one.  But Rosie LOVED her machine.

So I am listing it.  First I will list it on Craigs List and then I will list it on ebay with local pick up offered.  We shall see.  I sewed with it last night.  It is a pleasure to use.


  1. It's so beautiful. I wish I had room for it!

  2. If you sell it on ebay - you'll make more $$ by selling the machine separately from the stand - if you can bear it, take the treadle stand apart and sell in pieces-drawers, top, legs and flywheel - all separate items -check it out - some sellers make 100-200 on the stand if sold in parts. Machines on their stands or treadles often go for less than the machine if it's ALONE.

    OH Yeh - and make sure to put "Industrial Strength" in EVERY ad you put on ebay - even for Featherweights - you'll get and extra 100+ for those words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By the way, YOUR red-eye is an "Industrial Strength" machine isn't it? as opposed to those other plain red-eyes that aren't??????

    1. I don't want to dismantle the treadle base. Time is money. Though I could sell just the head on eBay. That is an idea. But then I would have to ship the sucker. I want to avoid that. We shall see. Maybe it won't sell and I will have to keep it.....

  3. Wouldn't that Red Eye look terrific in my cabinet? It looks just luscious with those decals. My power went out today due to winds and I would have sewed on the treadle, except that I had to iron the binding double in order to sew and no juice for the iron! Power back on but the grandson is now over.

  4. Linda I do have a Red Head that is not in a treadle base.......just sayin'

  5. Oh, gosh, this is so beautiful.... alas, I cannot possibly justify the acquisition of any more machines, or I would inquire as to its purchase. I am still in the midst of rewiring a 201 that I found at a barn sale. I'm using Rain's tutorial, but, his exceptionally clear instructions notwithstanding, I worry that I will do something wrong (especially with the soldering bit), so it's slow going. Ah, well, life is one long learning curve, am I right? Beautiful machine you got there. And I love, love, love your blog. Best to you, Jackie

  6. Jackie. I practiced and practiced soldering until I felt comfortable with it. You will be fine. Just follow Rain's tutorial.

  7. It might also help to mention that it takes "normal" side clamping feet that are readily available.

    1. I think I will do that when I list it on eBay. Thanks for the tip.

  8. Wow! I just learned something by reading the comments...newbie that I am! I just bought a VERY ROUGH "Red Head" ($10.00!!!) and didn't realize it back clamped until reading here. I have serious doubts this machine will ever run again, but I've learned A LOT just since this afternoon and having a blast. Now, if I can just figure out what's happening in the bobbin that's keeping the wheel from turning.......
