Tuesday, April 9, 2013

He doesn't know the truth

Steven had a great idea this morning when I told him I was up to 104 members on the blog.

"One for every sewing machine.   You can send each member a sewing machine!"

The problem? I have more than 104 sewing machines.  He just thinks I only have 104.  I think it is closer to 108.  


  1. I'll take a featherweight. Thanks!

  2. Might not be enough.

    When I had 109 my house burned down. Instant zero. Be careful!

    1. So sad about your house, I am so sorry......BUT...

      Got that covered. I have about thirty in the house, 60 in the shop and 15 in the sewing loft. Three different buildings. Three at Betsy's. Plus Steven is a firefighter......

    2. I'm very sorry to hear Susan. That's really awful!

      E - good to see you've got it covered.

  3. So, you need to recruit 4 new members immediately, and 1 for each SM acquired from here on out?

  4. I have no problem taking one, lol!

  5. That's funny! I won a new treadle at the North East TX TOGA this weekend, my husband could not believe I won it! I tried to explain to him that is just makes my numbers even and he still has more instruments than I do machines! I have 8, he has 9, so I can get one more. He buys an instrument - I buy a machine, but his bass takes up more room than any of my machines!

    1. Oh A friend of ours collects guitars. He had too stop. Too expensive. Not me. I can always find a machine for 10 or twenty bucks. But none today at Sal's.(Salvation Army)

  6. Apparently he hasn't been reading your blog! I'm game to take a few so that he doesn't catch you in a lie..... lol! Wouldn't want that now would we!

    1. He doesn't read the blog "I live it every day." says he when I suggest he join and even out my numbers.....

    2. Guess if you count me; cause I need to get onto the followers list, then you can get another machine too! Wouldn't want your machine count to over take your followers count. lol...

  7. Hey, what's 4 more machines, anyway? Just get 4 more followers and you're set!

  8. eh...men never really want to be bogged down by nitty gritty details anyway. And once you have that many, what's a few more???...as long as you are having fun and happy. I am already trying to figure out how I am going to 'hide' my next machine. I think it will be pretty obvious since I only have 3 :)

  9. Any chance you have a Singer 15-125 gathering dust? I'm lucky that my hubby doesn't care how many I acquire as long as I don't ask for any help from him (think there's room under his bed for a few more)!

    1. On my wish list..... There was one up by Ithaca last year. Missed it.

  10. Yes, I made the first offer on that machine - $10 less than she was asking because I wanted to reject the table. When I called back 2 weeks later because the ad was still on clist, she had already sold it.

    ...sometimes it doesn't pay to haggle.
