Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Chemical reaction

I am forever mixing various solvents and cleaners when I am working on a machine.  I never know what was in that little cup previously, nor does it matter to me.  I just add whatever solution  I need, degreaser, denatured alcohol,  TR-3. 

Some mixture created this when it dried out. 


  1. Just be careful. Best to rinse things out at least once in a while... And keep a window open
    Take care...
    Jean C.

    1. You are right. But the only solvents that I have been using lately are degreaser and denatured alcohol. The truly volatiile stuff I use outdoors, even in winter.

  2. Catching up on posts. . . and noted that you think you are at 108 machines. Thank you for that confession. I need references to point out the my extremely modest collection of machines hidden around our place.

  3. That is actually quite pretty! Reminds me of spring leaves against an autumn background!!

  4. You have carried out an organic purification, you are now an organic chemist as well as an engineer!

    1. HAH I flunked college chemistry because I chose not to attend class.
