
Monday, August 26, 2013

The Dream

I think that most of us have had it.  That dream, or rather, that nightmare: The final exam is tomorrow and you haven't been to class at all, for the whole semester.  The only thing that saves you is morning.  When you wake up and realize that there was no class and it was just a bad dream.

I had that dream last night somewhere between the katydids and the Barred Owl ( I am here in NC visiting Mom).  But the problem with my nightmare is that there is a class.  It is the TOGA.

I have three weeks to get ready for it and I must be worried.  Not too worried, though.  I took a nap today with Wilson (the only dog I brought along on this trip).  I spotted a Dollar General on Route 191 today.  Maybe they sell those big rolls of raffle tickets.  I can stop tomorrow and see.  Then I will be one step closer to being ready.

Oh, and remember my vow to sew only on PP machines until the TOGA?  It was much easier to grab one of the Keatherweights to bring along.  I got it set up today.  Noisy.  I serviced it and now it is better.  But the poor thing is neglected.  I have to find it a new home.  


  1. I dozed off while studying for mine one night in college and when I woke I looked at the clock and thought I overslept since the clock said 8:30. I jumped in the raincoat that was salvation back in the day for 8 oclock classes,rolled up the pj legs and ran out of the dorm before I realized it was not morning.People were picking up dates still and I looked frazzled in my raincoat/pj and got some strange looks until I figured out it was still the night before. It's awful that dream.

    1. Yes, that dream is awful. But it isn't as bad as a root canal.

  2. lol. Have you been mind-reading again?!!

    1. HAH! But Abbi I know that you ALWAYS go to class!

  3. I'm just glad it's weekend and I can indulge in your blog some more (and someone bought home ice cream! yay!)
